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done organizing mp3s

I just spent the lsat several hours (like, the last 5 or something like that) labeling my mp3s. that means: i put down the information on the ablum and track number for the magority of them. it took me 3 hours alone to do my wesley willis section. but, when i have 143 different songs by him, that's to be expected. for those of you who've never heard him, he's a schizophrenic black-man that lives in chicago and makes music on a keyboard while screaming along to it. he's got some interesting things to say. now that i have that done, i've accomplished nothing worth while to most people, yet i have a feeling of satisfaction, because my stuff is a little better organized. that is all.

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i was writed on 2001-10-13 at 6:40 a.m.
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