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responses to people

here are a couple responses to emails and other posts i've recently read:

dj will be sleeping at my house for a few days. i don't want him to die. him dieing is bad. and, i've misspelled several things here. not just "magority."

today, i dont have to do ANYTHING. i can sit around in my pajamas without watching the world fly by me. i got up after getting about 12 hours of sleep and i made a pot of coffee. i watched george carlin and now i'm drinking more coffee and doing whatever i want. the person whom i write this to will know who they are.

once, i was accepted to UNI and Iowa State and UofI. and Harvard and UofT in Austin. i attended UNI. then i dropped out. twice. the person i wrote this to will, also, know. i happy for you, and proud of you. i just want you to know, college isn't for everyone. if it's for you, YAY! ps: congratulations.

smallgren is probably mmoving here at the end of this semester. he'll be living in my house. i'll be happy. he will, once again, know the glories of living with eric and just letting it all go.

johnny, you are SERIOUS entertainment. your emails are great. i wanted you to know that.

i hate seager for getting to see the Pledge of Alligence tour. i wish i coulda gotten a ride.

and i hate leah for ALWAYS getting to see cool bands. like modest mouse and dashboard confessions. and for living in texas. i've only been there twice, for a total of about 2 weeks (i've been in germany for longer than texas, actually), but that place would be fairly cool to be me in. the people are SO not like me. they were scared of me.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-10-15 at 7:40 p.m.
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