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things i've learned today.

some shit went on in my house. we argued. we dealt with it. things are better now. that's all you need to know. if'ns you REALLY need to know, and aren't a gossip queen, ask me. thus far today i've learned several things. i've only been up for like 2 hours. anyway, on to what i've learned:

ash (from "evil dead") is a total drama queen. tony couldn't go pee this morning because spencer was puking a lot. dj's sideburns look funny when he spkies them. carl will order a pizza (which he can't eat) just to get breadsticks. katy saw veruca salt on Saturday Night Live. i'm wearing a dirty shirt, dirty pants, and dirty boxers. clark likes monkeys. johnny still looks good with short hair. my feet don't smell.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-10-20 at 2:27 p.m.
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