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amanda was pissy.

i went to perkins. amanda was being pissy.something's bothering me. i don't know what. i tried to figure it out. i can't. i know it has to do with women. i think i'm just ashamed in them. they've all just kinda given up on themselves. i hear my female frieds complain about their lives for than my male friends. they are either pissed at men, or don't get enough sleep, or dislike school, or dislike their jobs, or their parents. my male friends don't seem to complain as much. i think it's because the men try to change things. we all heard mark say he had a problem with drinking too much. he then didn't drink for about a week. malgren had a problem with school, he's not gonna go next semester. i thought of all of this because of amanda giving up hope. she wants a fuck-friend so she won't have to deal with the shit boyfriends put her through. see, i don't want a fuck-friend. i either want a good girlfriend, or no one. bree also inspired this. i'm not quite sure why. probably because she was sleeping in my bed and _I_ wanted to sleep in my bed. i was polite and slept on the floor. my back hurts. she says i shoulda just told her to move over and slept their too. yes, we're just friends, and we'll never be anything more, but i still don't think i should be sleeping in the same bed as her. and angie's diary just confused me. i haven't seen her since about a week after she broke up with me. she wanted to see me this weekend. *shrug* i would've liked to see her. she should come back THIS weekend for rocky horror. or for my birthday. that'd be cool. i guess that's all.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-10-22 at 1:50 a.m.
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