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birthday wishes

people keep asking what i want for my birthday. i don't know. i want cigarettes i guess. or money. to buy cigarettes. mom's helping pay for me to get my car back (paying insurance and paying the DOT), so i don't need help with a car. and i've got food. and any music i want, i can get for free. aha, i want RAM for my computer. that'd be a nice thing to have.

the thing about birthdays: all you want is money so you can decide what to spend it on, but people give you less money than they would've spent on you. a person that will give you $20 will spend $30. the equation is something like that. so you have to figure out things you want, but those things change a lot. there's a few movies i want, but i've yet to determine how much i really want them.

things i want for my birthday which you won't get me: to hang out with angie and see where thigns went wrong. to hang out with angie and see where things are now. to hang out with tory and get everything off my mind. to have a song recorded, so i can use it as a metophoric spitting in amy's, tory's, kevin's, and anyone else's faces. to hang out with tony b. a hug from my dad. people to realize america is now being worse than afganistan ever was. i, however, realize that none of these things will happen by the end of my birthday. some of these things will NEVER happen.

i guess i'd settle for monkeys. i wanna see some videos of monkeys throwing feces. and punching each other in the face. or punching people in the face. that shit will always bring a smile to my face and a tear of happiness to my eye. also, monkeys attempting to have sex with non-monkeys is funny. like, monkey's trying to have sex with trees or rocks or people. monkeys trying to eat strange things are funny too. seeing a monkey eat feces or rocks or people. if you have videos of any of these things, or know where i can get these videos, email me. i wanna see these videos. it will make my birthday so much better.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-10-30 at 12:18 p.m.
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