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<3 for the short guy.

I want someone short, manly, and cute that I can hold hands with. Someone short, manly, and cute I can cuddle with when I am cold. Someone short, manly, and cute I can call anytime and not feel like I am intruding, and someone short, manly, and cute who can/will call me too. Someone short, manly, and cute I can tell anything to and not worry.....and someone short, manly, and cute who can do that with me. I know that's what pretty much everyone wants....but it really would be nice if I could fuck Chad in the ass some day soon....I just don't want him to feel alone anymore.

You know i only use your entry in jest because i agree and because you're my hombre. Sing hombre, sing. Dance hombre, dance. Go hombre, go.

<3 for the short guy.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-11-04 at 2:14 a.m.
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