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entertaining day.

i've had a rather entertaining day today. i took pictures of a bunch of it. the following things happened in an order that i'm not writing them in:

johnny put on underwear from goodwill over his pants and wore it around the store.

at a different goodwill, and employee said "could you boys try to be more intelligent while in the store" because we were throwing underwear at each other and putting it over tony's head.

i bought a 14 inch ceramic cock for my brother. it's a chicken. he already has an 18 inch one, so i figured i'd give him a 14 inch one.

i took a picture of johnny (in midget mode) holding up a package of chirtmas lights titled "merry midget."i noticed that angie added me to her links on her diary. that made me happy.

APAC told me and johnny that they weren't hiring any more people until the end of november. i've NEVER heard of a telemarketing place not hiring.

mom offered me money to go rake her yard. johnny and i will do that tomorrow.

johnny yelled out the window at some dumb fuck who could not drive at all (they were in the left lane, the oncoming lane, and pulled out into the intersection). the person managed to block 3 lanes of traffic because they were incompitent.

i finished my book. i finished it last night, but it was after midnight, so technically i finished it today.

i watched the D&D movie (once again, this was last night, but after midnight). i play D&D. seeing this movie made me want to die. it was absolutely terrible. i watched the first 75 minutes of it, then had to wait 3 hours to watch the last 30 minutes of it. i know of only one movie worse, "the great rock and roll swindle." the sex pistols and who ever made the D&D movie should be shot.

some kid ran into mike's car. not just ran into it, but was on a bike while doing this. mike stops his car at an intersection an this kid just goes speeding right at the car. then he rams into it and flies up onto the hood. it was one of the funniest things i've ever seen. johnny told me not to take a picture of the kid on the hood though. the kid said he was ok and road away, so johnny started yelling at him about how funny it was and how stupid the kid must feel.

now, i'm going to go eat my tuna helper which had been cooking during my typing of this. and maybe play some nintendo. or start another book. we'll see. ok, bye.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-11-05 at 6:02 p.m.
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