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the "beavis and butthead" experiment.

last night, we had an experiment. experiments always have to root from something though.

part 1, the problem: we didn't know what 6 consecutive hours of "beavis and butthead" would do to the sanity of a person.

part 2, the hyposthesis: drive that person insane. it would cause the temporary intelligence to drop for a period of time, most likely several days.

part 3, the design: 3 people (johnny, me, and tony) would sit on 2 places of sitting (1 couch and 1 futon). these 3 people would watch 7 tapes (each measuring approximately 50 minutes per tape) starting at 11 PM and continue until all "beavis and butthead" was finished.

part 4, the experiment: it was cool. oh ya, johnny and i had 4 cups of expresso each.

part 5, the results: the 3 people had trouble stopping laughing at the end of the experiment. johnny was dancing around and making high pitched noises. tony was yelling alot. i had trouble walking in a strait line and keeping my balance. also, while watching porn, alone in my room :), afterwards i could not quit thinking in "beavis and butthead" manner.

part 6, the analysis: watching massive ammount of "beavis and butthead" is bad for intelligence, emotional control, and physical coordination. these effects are more short term than orignally expected. the effects lasted no longer than 10 hours.

part 7, new hypothesis: it'd be cool too do that again.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-11-06 at 7:05 p.m.
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