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chad's in the circus.

dude, chad's in the circus. johnny brushed his fangs. tony's gonna buy candy. no, not anymore, because johnny would eat it. winter gray still has a cool name and shouldn't be pissed off so much. well, i'm pissed a bunch, so i can't really say that. what i mean is, winter gray shouldn't have to be mad because the world shouldn't gnaw on her eye so much. i'm going to leave to go to Ames and Des Moines in about 10 minutes. upon my return, i will have 256 more megs of rams. then, i will dance. maybe. if someone reminds me, i will dance. i've been having really weird dreams the last few days. two are worthy of writing about. one was my dream last night, we'll call that "monage e trois=illegal." and one that was about a week ago, that we'll call "conrad=evil genius." being as how it's go time, i can't write more. i'll write about those dreams later. ok, bye.

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