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the same 'ol angie

so tonight was probably the king of awkward. after hanging out with a bunch of people, i hung out with angie. i'll write about hanging out with other people later. for now, it's about hanging out with angie. so, we pick her up at her house and immediately get in julie's car to leave. and we had no destination, so we sat there for a moment, before leaving. we drove around. and i avoided my eye contact with her. i did my best to. i watched the stars. they were beautiful. and beauty is the problem. that's why i didn't want to look at angie. she's STILL just as beautiful as ever. i don't often describe people as beautiful. pretty, yes. not beautiful. it takes something special to be beautiful. most of the driving was simply awkward silence. at village inn, people spoke some, but it wasn't really talking. it was simply small talk. i avoided looking at her most of the time at village inn too. on the way to drop her off at home, i finally quit avoiding looking at her and talked a bit. she's still angie. the same 'ol angie. that's what made it so damned hard. about 2 minutes after we dropped her off (literally, it was that short of a time) she called me. and we talked for a little bit. she, too, felt awkward tonight. she wanted to talk, but said it wouldn't have been good to talk with other people around. so, she's going to call me tomorrow after she does the whole "giving thanks" business with her family. then we're going to hang out. just the 2 of us. that'll be even more awkward. but, we'll get some shit dealt with. could be a good thing. it'll probably be a bad things though. bah. i'm being a pessimist again. oh well. being as how i'm sure i'll have nothing to do later tonight (and probably for a portion of tomorrow) i'm going to save the other entry for later. ok, bye.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-11-22 at 12:41 a.m.
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