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i hung out with my ex last night.

joel and elise both hung out with their ex-significant others recently. and they're both not happy about it. i hung out with my ex last night. i had the best time i'd had in a LONG time last night. it was euphoria. i think a lot of it involves out look. i wasn't looking for anything special to happen last night, so i just enjoyed myself and looked beyond the fact that we dated. whenever i've expected montrous flames of emotion to overwhelm both me and my ex, and we'd make mad passionate love, i've always been let down. don't necessarily expect the worst, but if it happens, don't be suprised. likewise, don't expect the best, nor be suprised if you receive it.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-11-23 at 6:56 p.m.
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