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poetry by mellissa and me.

I went to the website of a girl I know in Texas. her name is Mellissa. she had a bunch of poetry on her page. i had the ability to edit it. therefore, i did. it's funnier if you read her versions first on her website. here's my edited versions:


You're washing me away again

Bending down and beating me against the rocks

You can't shake me clean!

I am a dirty dirty girl

I really need to shower


I will tear down your walls

And replace them with Legos


I will inject you in me

Grab my needles and tear away at the skin

You are my cocaine

This euphoria can kill me

But I don't mind

Because cocaine isn't injected


I can feel you

Calling me

A million miles away

I can smell you

I can feel you in me

Pulsing and beating

Making me hurt

Making me feel like a camel


Brick by brick

I will break you down

And paint each piece of you

The color of my eyes

My hair

My hands


And that color is fuschia


And you

You will be destroying me

Throwing me

Breaking me apart

Making me worship you

But it's my fault for dressing like a whore


And still you faze me

I'm straining, pulling, stretching

To see your face

To feel you like I know you can feel the bulge in my pants, even though i told you i'm a woman


You are painted my color

I have made sure of that

the paint wasn't cheap

i am.


And what a beautiful sound you make

As I take you apart

And eat you piece by piece

I am full of you

Yet, still void of you

McDonalds charges too damned much for a double quarter-pounder


And as you wash me away

I will wash your dishes and laundry and do all the other things women are supposed to do.


Brick by brick

You scrape the fingernail polish off my nails


And the other washes me away with his tears

As I hold his hand

And tell him he can put his pants back on now


I am void of emotion

In telling him its over

All I can think about

Is getting home to brush my teeth


I've overcome the obstacles

Now give a gerbil to me

I gave myself to a gerbil

A million years ago

When I first met a gerbil

When I first wanted a gerbil

When I first loved a gerbil


I can smell you again

And I can feel your breath

On my fingers

As I imagine myself holding your amazing face

And breathing you in

Like a monkey

Like a damned monkey

Like a damned moneky humping my leg repeatedly.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-11-24 at 9:49 p.m.
i was writed before this and i was writed after this
i make comments here and you can make comments here