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i went to the dentist today. i had 13 really small cavities. i have perfect hygene though. my sister had 4 cavities. this is all due to a hereditary tooth abnormality. we call it "soft teeth." they call it something else. basically my teeth break down easier than other peoples. i take extremely good care of them, and that prevents serious damage. but really small cavities shouldn't be difficult to fix. and they're better than having 13 really big cavities. they're all surface cavities too. so blah. at first, i didn't like my dentist (i have a new dentist) because he didn't speak to me at all while checking my teeth. however, he did speak to me a bunch afterwords and explain all the stuff. so i don't dislike him anymore. i guess that's all for now. ok, bye.

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i was writed on 2001-11-29 at 5:04 p.m.
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