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quirks part IV.

when i'm laying in bed and want to change positions i'll often make a 270 degree rotation rather than the simple 90 degree rotation.

sometimes i want to be sick (ie: have the flu) just so i know what it feels like to be normal. that's my perception of normal.

i hold my sandwiches with my 4 fingers pointed towards me and my thumb under them. the thumb is not used at all in assisting the holding. it's just my palm and fingers. i feel this better protects my sandwich from scavengers. i'm not shitting. that's why i do that.

i think a close up picture of crayons is beautiful. it's art. they have to be all the same general color or have no patern at all though.

i think sleep is one of the most beautiful states to see a person in.

i would prefer to see a person (nearly every person) with clothes on rather than naked. i nearly never find a naked body attractive.

i have 2 mirrors in my room, yet still go in the bathroom to look in that mirror.

once i can see cigarette butts in an ashtray, i feel an overwhelming urge to empty the ashtray.

when i send an "important" email to someone, i check my email compulsively. yet i'm always afraid they responded and never want to read the email when they do respond.

having the sun shining on me while i'm laying down soothes me to sleep. i usually dislike having the sun on me when i'm doing anything else.

i want money and fame to rub in the faces of all the people that thought i would fail. i also want to change my name before i gain money and notoriety because i don't feel that the people that doubted me are worthy of having their faces rubbed with my glory.

when rubbing one off, even to videos or pictures of unknown women, i name the person in my own mind.

i don't like going to bed because i know i won't be able to sleep.

when laying in bed, i often mumble to myself and/or flail around because i get excited.

i LOVE when people play with my hair. that's why it's long and almost always down. i hate putting anything in it that would cause it to be not-soft.

i often take 1 shoe or sock off to do something involving my foot. i then leave that off and leave the other foot untouched. this doesn't bother me. apparently it's fairly abnormal. whenever my mom saw me like this (she raised me, so she saw it a lot) she pointed it out and usually cracked a joke.

i make fun of people for things i do because making fun of myself for said things would hurt my feelings.

when bored, i often stare at a wall and dream rather than do something productive.

i tuck my blankets around myself tightly when i sleep alone. it gives me security.

i wear my jacket as much as comfortable (until heat/cold prevents comfort) because it gives me security. tory has my old one because it offered her security. she's worn it once since i left texas. it made her cry. the jacket was symbolically me offering her security, yet she'd denied the possibility of me comforting her.

i feel that short sentances better portray emotion than long sentences.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-12-04 at 3:39 a.m.
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