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i failed part of my plan.

i failed at the part of my plan that included getting up to go to lunch. when my alarm went off, i had a drawn out conversation with myself inside my head. i weighed the options. get more sleep, or go to lunch. in the end, sleep won out, because lunch can always wait for another day. but, i'd like to have a good nights sleep since i'm going to be applying for jobs today. yes, it broke my plan. yes, it meant not hanging out with mark, which is cool. however, i'll feel better and look better today because i won't be tired. i can hold myself with dignity, rather than fatigue. therefore it was pratically a good decision but socially a bad decision. and i let practicality overcome social urges for once. that's good. now that this is finished, i'm going to head to all-stop. hopefully, i'll be returning employed. hopefully.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-12-05 at 1:11 p.m.
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