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we gotta leave.

i think seager's right. we gotta leave. and i think i'm trying too hard to not be here for new years. the 2 previous years, i intended to be here. 2 years ago was coincidence that i was driving with my ex at the stroke of midnight (i didn't know what time it was until the count-down on the radio) but not the 5 minutes prior to that. last year, we decided on the 28th to drive to texas. total improve. once again, it was coincidence that i spent the stroke of midnight smoking while watching women's wrestling in a hotel with tony. not with my ex (different ex) like was intended. at some point in this year, i decided to make it a tradition to be not in cf for new years. 4 problems with that. i always seem to end up with my ex, which sucks. my last 2 new years' have both sucked total ass. i've already planned to leave, which defeats the little ammount of enjoyment i found the first year, and the extreme ammount of enjoyment i found in last year's improv. and #4, the best reason of them all, tradition sucks asshole. it's like living in the fucking past. and that, my friend (and my non-frined), sucks. so my new plan is to be here for new years. and rather than being with a fucking ex, i'll be with a woman that actually likes me. that actually appreciates me. that knows i'm not a boob-guy (*wink wink* *nudge nudge*). that was an incide joke, insulting someone that thinks i'm a boob guy. it's still probably not funny to you. well, FUCK YOU then. oh ya, i forgot about the seager thing. that's what started this whole train of thought. anyway, i gotta go with him. but i wanna do a few other things too. i wanna take chad with us, i wanna go south east, and i want to take 2 cars. my car, and someone else's car (obviously). i'd like to take along another person, but i REALLY doubt she'll be able to come. 10 days might be a fairly long stay too, but we'll figure it all out once the Ozmonster returns. until then, i will dream of the long hours of driving to come. oh ya, i'm going to chicago thursday, i think. ok, bye.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-12-11 at 4:57 a.m.
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