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warning and horror.

all who read this, i offer a warning. do NOT view the video titled "paradise lost" on stile project. it is the most bothersome thing i've ever viewed. most of the stuff there doesn't bother me. but seriously, do NOT fucking watch it. it's just a guy shooting himself in the head. i told you what it is, i suffered through it. i still support stile project, but i felt the need to warn people. i'm turning into one of those psycho moms or some shit. nah, i just don't want my friends hving to be exposed to that.

on a related note, i've begun catogorizing horror movies into subgenres. i've seen enough that i can easily distinguish subgenres. thus far, i have Macabre, Cryptic, and Sensational. i'll explain better when i finish the catagorization.

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