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not just from my eyes.

So, I wrote another cryptic little poem. It probably makes no sense. a lot of my poetry seems like that to me. it barely makes sense to me as it flows around in my head. and i understand it all when it's done. it's about me for those of you that can't understand. not just from my eyes, but to me. the "you" in question is me. ok, now it should make more sense. i fell asleep early last night after eatting a nice meal. angel hair pasta with a white cheddar sauce is damned good. this morning, julie and poo stopped by and delivered christmas goodies for me. it made me happy. thanks. i washed our toilet off earlier. and i think i might clean the bathroom a bit more. it REALLY needs it. mark cleaned up a bunch of his stuff last night, so the house looks better now. i guess that's realy all i have to say. i'm going to go return a bunch of pop cans now and get some money. ok, bye.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-12-17 at 11:53 a.m.
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