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nu bible

after spending the last hour reading through random diaries that haven't been updated in several months and listening to sappy music on my roommate's computer, my sanity is slipping away. i'm getting overwhelming urges to rewrite the Bible so that the modern teenager can understand it. shit like "jesus cried." "god luvd us a bunch so he gave us his kid." "adam and eve were naughty. they ate the apple that god was saving so they had desert." i really think it would help the modern teens relate with christianity. and king james already fucked the bible up, so there's no reason i shouldn't be able to. i'll just take out most of the punctuation, add a bunch of exclamation marks, fail to spell word out, and add in a bunch of numbers. it'd suck total ass. and i'd love it. ok, bye.

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i was writed on 2001-12-17 at 7:33 p.m.
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