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Personality Types.

several days ago, i took a personality test. about 1 hour after taking it, i took it again, to see if i would answer the same. not due to memory, but due to honesty. to see if i really did answer everything honestly. i did. i got the EXACT same results. i'm curious as to what results other people get on this personality test. my results said i am an INFJ. only 1% of the population is INFJ. and it fits me perfectly. i read through some of the other personality types and they really didn't fit me much. in case you're curious, my numbers were 22, 11, 11, 11. famous people with the same personality type: Aristonphanes, Goethe, Mother Teresa, Matin Luther King Jr., Piers Anthony, Oprah Winfrey, Jon Katz. no, i'm not putting total dependence in this, i just find it cool that it is actually accurate. helps explain a few reasons i always feel like my thoughts aren't normal. according to this, people with my personality type feel like that alot. because they're not normal thoughts. so i'm not crazy :) i guess that's all for now. ok, bye.

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i was writed on 2001-12-20 at 4:50 p.m.
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