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estatic day.

my day has been a series of euphoric moments strung together in such a pattern to create a euphoria i would not commonly see until the end of it all.

i helped my mom by wrapping presents for her. she was exceptionally grateful and it gives me a great sense of happiness. i helped her and it made her day better.

i hung out with elise for a while. granted, i went to dinner with my mom and brother right in the middle of hanging out with her and then returned, but i still hung out with her. i wish i would've spent more time with her, but i always wish that.

i went and saw Fellowship of the Rings. not to sound cliche, but you have to see that movie. there was such vivid imagery and such a wonderful story. they REALLY did honor to tolkien.

it was just a purely estatic day. now i'm going to go get katie and hang out with her. ok, bye.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-12-19 at 11:58 p.m.
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