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Yuric's Christmas Dinner.

so here's how i figure: we have our own house = we have our own family = we have our own christmas = we have our own christmas dinner. so, tonight i've got 10 lbs of nacho cheese (my homemade stuff) and 4.5 lbs of chips. yes, i'm going to have to buy more chips. but EVERYONE who reads this better at least call me. i want as many people here to appreciate our christmas dinner. i will also be supplying coffee. any other trinken or essen which people desire will have to be supplied by them. all are welcome. the phone number: 319-239-2883. i'll probably start calling people in about 1 hour. and we'll commence at approximately 8. call me or show up. ok, bye.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-12-23 at 5:14 p.m.
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