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50% past, 50% future.

i tell people not to live in the past, but i do. well, i live in the past at least half of the time. and the other half i spend in the future. i'm not just a dreamer, i'm a remenecer. and i spelled that wrong. i dream about what is to come. i lose myself in what was. when am i going to get the fuck out of the past and appreciate what is. what i have. those are the moments i'm happy. when someone makes me cry, when someone hugs me, when someone makes me pay attention. then i HAVE to be in the present. otherwise, i'm either in the past or the future. i'll stay in the future, but sometimes i need reminded. sometimes i forget. sometimes, you're not the past. which means i can look to you in the present and look to you in the future.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-12-24 at 11:46 p.m.
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