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shoes are better than love.

gift certificates are such a blessing. i got 3 new pairs of boxers and a new shirt thus far. once the store (aye, the evil corporate whore of a store) gets in more socks, i'm going to go buy some of those. and maybe some more boxers. and if'n i can find another cool shirt (or a few more shirts) i'm buying those. i've been needing some new clothes. now i'm getting them. YAY!

oh ya, i got new shoes, 4 pairs of socks, and a pair of pants for christmas. the shoes are probably my favorite gift of all. second favorite would be the fact that i got along with my family AND got to see my friends. so that whole love thing would be second i guess, but those shoes keep my feet warm and comfortable. so the shoes are better than love.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-12-26 at 6:54 p.m.
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