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no 4 kings.

i have several things.

1) good music playing
2)the knowledge that the 4 kings will never walk togethre again. they are dead. this should make me unhappy. i'll claim it doesn't though so i can mask my true feelings and seem like an enigma even though everyone knows it bothers me because i hold onto the past just as tightly as the next person sober enough to remember the past.
3)knowledge of a new personal type. number types. i'll explain sometime. i'll put it in one of my great theory formats. maybe i'll officially write about the teenager social structure then too.
4)much tiredness
5)a lack of pop. coffee sucks to drink when laying in bed trying to sleep too :P

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-03-14 at 5:06 a.m.
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