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"bleed me every hour, keeps me from growing strong.
honey on my tongue, i wish i could be a bit like you."

i feel so chained down by everything. lack of money stops me from doing things. working to get money stops me from doing things. my morals (based on the ethics of a society i dislike) keep me from doing things. love of the few people that have earned it keeps me from doing things.
today, i had to borrow money to put gas in my car since i don't get paid for 2 days. then i'll pay the money back and attempt to survive until my next paycheck on the money i have. living paycheck to paycheck sucks, but it's my fault for living without a paycheck for so fucking long. now i'm in debt and need to get out. i need to get a higher paying job and save up a bunch of money. then i can just say "FUCK EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE!" and hall my ass out to seatle. then i'll become a rock star. i've been working on some more stuff. i'm gonna start working on my comics too (i write 2 comics). maybe i'll even work on one of my movie ideas and get a sript down. probably not though.

"i've been maid a pet, chain one mile long.
bleed me every hour, keeps me from growing strong."

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-04-11 at 11:32 p.m.
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