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The Rose Song

you were always scared
you might be another story
but you'll be a song
you were always mad
you might be another story
but you'll be a poem

when all is said and done
i hope i'll still be gone
in my obsession
i forget my depression
there much more unsaid
than scraps of paper you never read

you got me back in time
to put me down
to let me down
to set me down
a little bit softer
into a grave i dug

when all is said and done
i know i'll still be gone
in my obsession
i forget my depression
there much more unheard
than songs you never heard

i'll watch the years fall away
as i feel the tears fall away
and i'll watch the sunset for you
until it makes that perfect hue
until it becomes that rose color
that will always be yours alone


to you whom this is about, thanks. i've got everything stored in my brain in the "this shit fucking rocked" section. the memories can never fade so know, someone still loves you. and i'm not going to get all self-help on you again. 'twas good. so as the Day of Iowa comes to a close, good night. (insert a single tears from the right eye and smile here [no, i'm the one smiling and crying, jack-off, knock it off])

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-05-03 at 12:36 a.m.
i was writed before this and i was writed after this
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