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the story of mother's day

while most others are out on mothers day doing typical shit to do (ie: making dinner,going to dinner, buying roses, buying or making cards, etc.) i'm now sitting at home, but i had a great time hanging out with my mom. all we did was hang out. my sister didn't call me to let me know that they were going to lunch (because she decided not to go with them) so i didn't actually join up with my mom until about 2:30. i spent about 2.5 hours hanging out with her and talking. it was just like when i normally go and see her (on those rare occassions that we don't fight) and thus made me feel better. i know i don't need a holiday to appreciate my mother's presence and she doesn't need to be shower in gifts to appreciate mine. we're content, nay, we're happy just to be related. thus ends the story of mother's day.

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-05-12 at 5:23 p.m.
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