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the birth of 19 people in 1 day

Do you know what it feels like to give birth to 19 people in one day?

my mind learned yesterday. i created the 19 characters that will be focused on throughout the 24 issues of my comic. actually, there'll be more than 19, but those are the ones i needed done before i can actually start the comic. i spent approximately 12 hours working yesterday. 19 people with 19 different names (including middle names, and 4 or 5 nick names). 19 different people with 19 different looks. 19 different live with 19 different jobs (actually, 3 are unemployed). 19 people with 19 different stories. my first 24 issues are all fleshed out. i've got the timeline designating birthdays, dates they'll be in the story, dates of death when appropriate, dates of the histroy of our little world. i worked and worked and worked yesterday. now it's just a matter of scripting everything. scripting is the term i decided on last night. it is the process of taking our story idea and putting it on paper in form for the artist. it's where we write everything caption by caption, word bubble by word bubble, panel by panel, page by page. scripting is where a story becomes a comic book. now that i have the flesh of my world, the bones of my story, i can add the blood of the script at the rate of about 30 minutes per page. that means i can finish an issue in 12 hours and it'll be the final draft so it'll just need drawn. oh ya, i'm looking for artists once i finish the first issue, i'll make the script available for artists to submit shit to me. i've let my comic take over my life the past few days. it makes me happy. it gives me hope. i'm going to go swim now because it's fucking hot and moist and i've getting cranky being this hot. ok, bye.

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-06-21 at 2:31 p.m.
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