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Dreams of Days of Roses

i was driving along a road above college street (which was obscured by the trees below) and i've never been on this street. it was old and barely wide enough to hold two cars. apparently this road had been there for as long as anyone could remember. it had never been restored and was only used by a few cars a day. every car that used it drove over it at nearly the same time, always in the same direction. they drove this road when returning home from work to avoid heavy traffic. i was exploring streets, as i occasionally do, when i came upon this road. i drove it and the other cars were coming towards me. they all swerved and nearly lost control at one point, so i slowed greatly as to avoid doing the same. i noticed leaves on the ground where they all swerved so i stopped and looked at them. i discovered that the leaves were not on the ground, but infact beneath where the road (in it's decaying state) was simply not there. beneath the branch was the bed of a man in his early twenties. he was not sleeping presently, but i knew it was his bed. i dropped through the hole and asked the man (whom i found in the kitchen, which was through the hallway to the west of the bedroom) to phone the police and ask them to fix the hole so a car would not suddenly drop upon him at night. he didn't care about the hole, because he knew that very few people traveled that street, but asked me to accompany him to a family reuinion which would be taking place at his house (this very house in which i stood) that evening. i accepted because i was really in no hurry. when his family began arriving, i walked throughout the house getting to know several of them. chad (who was exactly as he is in life, except he wore all black clothing and black make-up) gave me the tour of the house and i realized that the entire family lived in the hosue. it was 9 floors tall and about 9 sqaure blocks (3 blocks by 3 blocks). i met chad's family which included the majority of people i've ever seen chad with. you were one of them. in fact, you were chad's younger step-sister and i'd been invited to stay for dinner because the owner of the house (who it turns out was named nick) thought i would make a great addition to the family. i was originally angered by this statement. i told nick and your rather rude brother, tyler, that i was not goign to be part of their family and i couldn't just throw away my life for anyone who came around. i was in the process of leaving (through large glass doors, remanicent of those you exit CF Highschool through) when i heard a voice from behind. i turned to tell the female following me that i was leaving and that i didn't carte what she had to say. she said to me, in a voice like music, "please, you don't know what they meant." i stammered a bit when you asked me "what's wrong, why can't you speak?" i managed to say what i was trying to and you smiled when you heard "you _SO_ beautiful." it was you, everything about it was you except there were a few black streaks in your hair. the next few months happened in a series of moments. on night we were in bed snuggling (i was smoking a cigarette and playing with your belly-button ring) when you asked if i remembered what nick said 2 months ago. i answered truthfully (of course i remembered) and asked why you wondered. you explained to me then what they meant when we first met. i would make a fine addition to the family because they knew i would love you. i just smiled and we both knew they were right. several more moments passed in which we kissed and hugged and smiled together. one day i followed you home (i was still not living with you) so i could suprise you with a proposal. when you pulled into your garage (driving the car of the girl that lives next to me in real life) you exited the car and i watched as a machine lifted the car and stripped the body of it. the white body rolled up easily as if it were a large roll of paper. the interior stretched and was covered with the black body of your father's limosine. of course, i then realized who your father was (i'd never met the man) and you entered the backseat of the limosine. as you began to pull away you rolled down the window and thanked me for everything. i stammered once again and you said "i know. i always knew. don't worry about it. it's time for us to go. the house is your now, the whole world is yours now. but, daddy asked me to come home." i kissed you, since i could manage no words and watched you depart. you knew i was trying to say "i love you" and i knew you heard me through the kiss. i returned to my car, which i'd left, years ago, by the hole in the road. no one travelled the street any longer, your family had returned to your father. i smiled as the car fell the (now long) distance to the bed i know owned. it was a twisted smile as i realized the irony of the first words i ever heard you, and about 40 other family members, speak. "Our father, who art in heaven..."

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-06-24 at 5:59 p.m.
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