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no more phone.

until further notice, i have no phone. my mother reported it "missing" to the cell phone company, so they have it suspended until she calls and tells them she found it. i'm supposed to stop by her house tonight in an attempt to convince her to call them. i can pay for the phone, i simply don't have the $200 to pay deposit to get a new phone. ALL SHE WOULD HAVE TO DO IS CHANGE ME TO BE THE PRIMARY OF THE PHONE BUT SHE WON'T! she's trying to fuck me over, so we're gonna have words tonight. in closure, there will be no real way to contact me until i do get a phone. i have an interview at 8:15 wednesday morning and i'm going to go set up utilities for my apartment and pay rent now. until i happen to run into you again, bye.

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-07-01 at 4:15 p.m.
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