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dinner with the socially-hypnotized elitists

my mother is more and more becoming a slathering cunt. yes, i use the word cunt in order to portray the conotations alongside the denotations. to explain a bit (moreso, i've an example) she yelled at me for using the computer. she told me to be over here at 6 for dinenr, then called me at 6:05 when i was on my way and told me i was late. my brother is cooking dinner right now (6:45) and it MIGHT be ready by 7:15. so, i decided to use the computer to pass the time and she yelled at me that it's not my computer. just hearing her talk upstairs (all the shit she's saying to my brother) makes me want to leave right now and tell her to fuck off and die. god damn, she's a judgemental, "i'm better than you" bitch. she said to me "no, adam [smalz] and jonah [dr. jones] can not eat here. we're having a family dinner." so i'm like "we are?" then i ask her what dennis and shalaine (i don't know how to spell her name) are doing here and she informs me that they're part of the family. i'm attempting to explain to her that they're not as my sister leaves to go to her boyfriend's house. this conversation also took place before my brother was here and before she'd informed me he was invited. in the end, it all comes down to the fact that I invited mom to eat dinner with me last night (scheduled to take place today) and it was supposed to be the 2 of us so i could talk to HER. she took it upon herself to invited her fiancee, his daughter, and my brother. i didn't want a family dinner. i wanted to talk, not to be ridiculed by a bunch of socially-hypnotized elitists. all of this for 2 hamburgers and some hash borwns i'm still waiting on. *grumble* i'm gonna go smoke now.

ps: i was looking through katie's pictures from her wedding party and i saw that elise was with us. it made me giggle because katie has 4 pictures of elise (non-digital pictures) and i only have 1. ok, bye.

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-07-02 at 6:53 p.m.
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