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a letter to mom

[previous disclamer to what i'm about to write: today is my mother's birthday. also, all of this is written on paper, but i wish to be able to rid myself of the papers]

Dear Mom,
I would like to first write that I love you. You may always disapprove of my actions or you may eventually accept me. We may grow closer or we may never again speak. Regardless of future happenings, knows that I will always love you.
You have shared such great things with me. You gave me life, without regard of the outcome. You blessed me with love. You were the first love I ever felt I received. You shared with me siblings. You allowed me to know what itwas to sahre blood, a forced alliance that is so readily accepted. I, of course, questioned it because it was forced, and you once again proved the truth of love. Blood will always be thicker than water, and my family will always live in my heart.
You presented me with a plethera of oppertunities, many of which I declined, allowing me to gain experience to sort my way through the turbulence of life. You incouraged me to always seek positive outcomes in my decisions. Through my own intellectual short-comings, I have often taken less than desirable paths, only to learn that you were in fact correct.
When I lay bleeding from self-inflicted wounds (metaphorically speaking) you always tried to nurse me back to good health. Once again, I often pushed you aside, forcing myself down a path I had to tread alone. For this, and the many other times I have neglected your assistance, I offer my appologies. I love you, mom.

[more will be added later. what will be added has also already been written, but i must depart for now, so you only recieve the happy writtings, dear diary]

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-07-11 at 4:36 p.m.
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