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The Space Between Hamtaro

is the silver surfer really only worth 1 cigarette? if "Back in Black" really good enough to follow "Heart-Shaped Box" on the radio? is there anypoint in fishing after you catch the fish that's worth 809 fishing points? yellow pop or coffee? oh shit, did i eat today?

these are the questions that plague my oh-so-fucking turbulant life day by day. this is the equivilent trauma that i go through that people claim makes them depressed. "my life's hollow and meaningless." bah. my life just has a different meaning than yours. it's got a different color and texture too. i've been doing some experiments and the results are yet to return. however, i'd be willing to bet my life tastes different too.

the most important question everyday is: what am i going to do between episodes of Hamtaro? it's on at 6 AM (about 2 hours before i go to sleep) and 3 PM (right after i wake up). i have to figure out a new way to pass the time each day.

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-07-24 at 2:58 a.m.
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