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4 exciting events.

today has had several exciting aspects.

1) gimpy the "fly" couldn't fly, and couldn't die. he had no abdoman, no back left leg, half his left middle leg and half his right middle leg. apparently his wings were broken or some junk because he never flew. we poked him and he moved and stuff. he's the only fly we didn't kill at our table.

2) i said to several people at a keg-party (man, that name rules), "some times you've gotta but your naughty-bits on a whale."

3) heather, bridgette, tony b., and i were hanging out on the sidewalk by my apartment when a car pulls into the gas station across the street. first, a female yells "bridgette." i didn't know her but bridgette did. then, some guy yells, "eric thayer." i get all confused but walk over there anyway. it turns out to be Wedge (yes, jason wegter of our olden days). we talked for a bit, i'd not seen him in about 6 months. then as tony and i walk to kwik star to get smokes, the guy driving the car that the girl and wedge were riding in knows tony. it turns out that they went to elementary school together before tony got kicked out. now the guy lives with wedge. oh ya, wedge and the car had just returned from las vegas. they'd driven.

4) lisa will be here the 31st. YAY!

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-07-26 at 1:24 a.m.
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