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a little sportsman's club tucked away in the woods.

about 1 hour ago, i drove chad out to this cool spot i know out in the woods. we walked back in to this sportsman's club i knew was tucked back there. as we were about to leave, we looked at the front of their little house and saw a sign telling us to smile and look around before breaking in. upon reaching the door (or maybe if you open it, the sign was poorly worded) an infrared sensor tripped the camera which turned out to be up and to our left. well, we departed and laughed about the camera. the best they could hope to do is charge us with trespassing if they can identify our images. that would most likely just be a pain in the ass, although it might be entertaining. i'll probably not fuck with the club anymore. i used to go there just because i was breaking into somewhere. i never caused any damage, but if someone caused enough damage to encourage the owners to purchase cameras, they'd probably not appreciate me chillin' in their pad. ok, bye.

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-07-29 at 8:09 a.m.
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