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the next reasons to live

"did you never give a damn in the first place or maybe it's the that the table's turned 'cuz in the interests of all involved, i've got the problem solved.."

i love lisa a bunch. sometimes, things put me in a bad mood, or just confuse me, but i want to take a moment to say that, no matter what, i love lisa.

also, hamburgers, coloring, Krusty's Funhouse, Family Feud, fried chicken, bottomless coffee, unlimited celltime, Thaer, the Fox and the Hound, G4, Camel Lights, RC Cola, drive in theaters, Marilyn Manson videos, sword fighting, that guy in Titanic that hits the propellor, Nebraska is flat, mercury, people don't kiss at weddings, blue cake, NIN videos, music, platinum, Strong Kids Safe Kids, zippos, garbage truck repairmen, Hamtaro, quiet, the Learning Channel, kissing, roses, balloons, mudding, Animal Planet, monkeys, pirates, midgets, the Muppets, Nirvana, ninjas, laser jesus, cyber jesus, kung-fu jesus, telephone books, and Theodore Roosevelt.

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-09-03 at 12:58 a.m.
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