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General Update

Ha Ha! i made a long entry and it got deleted. i'm rewriting it now, rather than giving up and being discouraged. i was updating about my life. here goes again:

work wasn't bad, i was just tired. i'm gonna like it there, except it's a 30 minute drive, but the work doesn't seem bad at all. the money's great.

i slept 8 hours in 4 days, which didn't include last night (monday night) so i totally crashed out after work today. i'm still slightly tired, so i'm going to take another nap before work.

last night, while not sleeping, i went to perkins with people and we caused a rucus. some random guy sat with us while we discussed women. the waitress wanted to know whaqt the first thing we all noticed about a woman was and these were the final results: 3 hair, 2 ass, 1 face, 1 boobs. i, of course, was a hair guy. which is why lisa breaks my rules. i made a rule with myself that i would not date anymore red-heads or women with short hair. they've all been psycho up to this point. eh, lisa's not much of a psycho.

it's lisa's birthday (see previous entry). I LOVE YOU LISA.

oh ya, i'd written about my fortune cookie too. normally, fortune cookies have shitty fortunes and suck. they're all like "You'll have good luck at home." mine today was good. it fit well with the fac that i've been geting my life in order. my fortune stated "You will have good fortune at everything." see, that rocks.

life's decently good now. it's foreign to me, but it's nice. mom and i are getting along well and things are finally working out for me. this is enough of me re-writing the pervious entry for now. ok, bye.

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-09-25 at 1:22 a.m.
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