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a candle shaped like a train would be way sweet

this is where i go when i can't feel my heart beat
it makes me realize everyone else feels as dead as me
that bring me no joy and stops no tears
but here, i don't have to die alone

diaryland (or as so people call it, d*land) takes all my pain and puts it in a tiny little box. i like to call that box my heart. then, it compacts it and allows me to hold more. it's like a trash compactor. it makes more room for something i don't want.
it's sunny out.
i find myself writing about reacuring subjects. the sun, candles and trains keep popping up in my poetry and my lyrics. i'm not totally sure why. i've never had anything bad happen on a train, or with a candle. i've only been on a train once, i like candles and i hate the sun.
i wanted to tell people they were way sweet, but there's too many of them to tell. basically, you're way sweet.

"both you and god have de-evolved to something you were headed towards."

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-12-02 at 2:28 p.m.
i was writed before this and i was writed after this
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