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happy day = exhaustion

i am so fucking exhausted right now. today was the greatest day of the year. i am drained of all thought and energy though. i got a kat today (yes, it's sposta be kat) and i named it Decepticon Baby. it's pure black and rocks hard. at first, it's scared of everything, but then it gets playful. if you meet it, be nice because it's scared of you. then, it will try and eat you. immediately after getting my kitten (it sure is small) i went and picked my girlfriend up. i've not seen her in about 5 months. it's nice to see her. she's prettier than i remember. i'm not going to go into detail about it, because i am so exhausted. i'm going to eat some rice now and go to bed. i may actually be able to sleep because i'm so fucking tired. ok, bye.

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-12-17 at 1:28 a.m.
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