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here's your suckerpunch

dear diary,
i've been stressed recently. i've been really stressed. i feel bad for getting mad at ozzie last night, since she really wasn't doing anything i wouldn't have done. i'm just overly stressed, as i previously stated.

of course, you've been wondering what i've been up to. here be a list of the finer point then (argh!):

1) i had sex while driving 65 mph.
2) i ripped the head off of a vampire doll and stuck my cock in the neck hole
3) i stole a glow-in-the-dark exit sign from an apartment building to hang in my living room
4) i came up with an idea for a book and tried talking to people about it. i realized then that in order to successfully write, you have to accept the fact that even your close friends don't give a fuck
5) i cried a long way home (on a 2.5 hour drive) after dropping my girlfriend off at the airport

that's enough things to hold you over. if i told you everything i'd done, you'd have no reason to return. actually, i've done very little of significance other than (and including) the previously listed. eh, fuck it. i'm out.

this is me.
i was writed on 2003-01-08 at 3:25 p.m.
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