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it's none of my fucking business

right now, i feel like mixing myself a mixed drink i created earlier. i'm not going to, because i'd rather go borrow dan's baseball bat and bash a few fucking skulls in. i'd rather go slightly insane [just enough for a quivery eye] and leave a few corpses in my wake
but they'll never wake
a few mothers to cry over their losses
a few mothers to feel relieved
a few mother-fuckers making noises like a cantalope
maybe they'll take interest in the new drink. originally i intended to call it the "overly melodramatic" but i altered the name to "emo juice." it sounds so much better. maybe you could make yourself one and save me some effort. here's how:
3 parts jagermeister
1 part grenadine (for the bloody color)
1 part advil

if you don't have, nor can acquire, jagermeister then feel free to substitute anything 40 proof or stronger. tylenol (or any pain killer) can be substituted for advil.

about the other thing keeping me from borrowing the killing stick is one thing that the killing stick loves. two juggalos keep a smile on my face and stop me from jelatinizing a few smiles. of course, misty is keeping me alive and she wouldn't apprecaite me going to jail, but i know i could hide the bodies.

i'll get out of this rage as i always do. i'll pop a few pills (ah, love, the greatest medicine) and i'll believe things are okay until some homely whore spreads her fucking legs and someone tries to make it my problem. i won't be fucking said homely whore, thus i'm not going to feel sorry for anyone when they catch the clap from the homely whore.

this is me.
i was writed on 2003-01-30 at 12:15 a.m.
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