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aminals, aminals, and more aminals

today, i had a good discussion with a friend of mine. this friend is human. we discussed the 5 most devilish animals (in our opinions) and what makes them so. my list was as follows:
1) Komodo dragon
2) Tasmanian Devil
3) Hippopotamus
4) Vulture
5) Hyena

after discussing this and making our lists, we discussed instinct versus idea. this created wonderful ideas. we both now wonder if a constricting snake would relent against a robotic animal. io: would an anaconda quit trying to suffocate a steal dog which would be furry, scented and remotely controlled to move? we also discussed cute little otters and their tendencies to bash things with rocks. now, we both have a desire to watch something. we will fill a teddy bear with tuna fish, put a plastic covering around the teddy bear (not a complete covering, but enough that it must be broken) and then supply an otter with a "rock." by rock, we mean sharp knife. the otter would stab the teddy bear repeatedly and we would laugh as one cute thing killed another.

this is me.
i was writed on 2003-02-25 at 8:26 p.m.
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