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Cat vs. Job

while trying to prepare myself (read as: clean myself) for my upcoming job interview, my cat is attempting to keep me from said interview.

first, she decides to attack the cord on my electric razor, while i'm shaving. this is nothing new, she does this almost every time i shave.

after i get her to leave the cord alone, she decides the check for Tylenol. i can only assume she was checking for Tylenol, as she won't answer me when i ask her, "Decepticon Baby, why did you open the medicine cabinet?" the medicine cabinet swung upon, mear inches from smashing me in the face.

finally, she decides to just stop me from shaving all together. i am nearing a state of total smoothness when she decides to flip the light switch to the off position. when i turned the lights back on, i see her sitting right beneath the switch with a smile on her face.

in the end, i'm glad i decided to prepare myself (read as: get off my lazy ass) rather early. my job interview (read as: interigation by some fat lady) is not for another 45 minutes and i will make it on time. the interference from Decepticon Baby (read as: Decepticon Baby) will not prevent me.

this is me.
i was writed on 2003-03-03 at 1:19 p.m.
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