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"there is a hate that burns within."

i'm getting mad at the world again. i don't even give TWO FLYING FUCKS about what our governent is doing or who's raping and pilaging who. i, instead, am upset about the way my family attempt to eat each other's souls. my family is normal with the exception of showing emotion. every member seems to think that the only way someone can show affection is through buying useless shit.


this all adds up to me missing my father most. he always made way more money than my mother. he didn't just buy us useless shit though. my dad tried to identify with each of us. he would take my brother and i with him to nebraska went he went, just to let us visit this huge comic book store. at the time i believed it was the biggest comic store ever. he would buy us each several comics of shit we would have otherwise never known about and we loved those comics, still have them, and still know the plots to them. he made sure to share that interest with us and he, too, read those comics. he would go driving around with me, in his truck, when i was a teen. we would listen to some good music and just talk. we often listened to They Might Be Giants, Alice Cooper, David Bowie, or even Nine Inch Nails. he knew i was pasionate about music, so he shared his similar tastes with me and i appreciated it.

dad went to every one of my brother's football games that he could, even though my dad was never big into football. ya, he watched the superbowl and sometimes he'd be watching football on sunday, but it was almost always with my brother.

now we're stuck with mom and dennis. mom's idea of showing that she cares is "well, i loaned you $20, didn't i?" dennis' idea of showing that he cares is "well, if you're going to complain about it, then we don't have to ever do you a favor again." my brother does need hamburger RIGHT when they offer to give him some, so dennis says that they'll never offer jon hamburger again. sorry, dennis, didn't realize you wanted us to waste shit that could go to better use, just to keep you happy, you FUCK.

mom's just so scared that she'll be alone because we kids will desert her. we won't be there for her when she needs us, but apparently dennis will. dennis orders her around like she's his god damned slave.

now, my sister's moving out because dennis hates her and tries to make her life difficult. of course, mom blames my sister because dennis told her to. now, my mom knows (in her heart) that none of her children will be there when she needs them BECAUSE HER AND DENNIS FUCKING PUSHED ALL THE CHILDREN AWAY.

good job, mom, you win. you succeeded at fucking yourself over. who gets to pay for this victory? your children do. 3 people who just want to love you and be loved by you.

this is me.
i was writed on 2003-03-09 at 4:25 p.m.
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