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i feel like i just ate a bunch of spaghetti and drank orange pop

i'm still intending to make the "confessional style" entry that i spoke of a few entries back. now's not the time though. i'm tired and enjoying a nice helping of spaghetti. instead i'm going to make an entry about lessing pressing matters, such as the wonderful events of today.

cool thing #1) my cat came on a road trip with us. by road trip, i mean we ran errands for 2 hours and she was in the car with us the whole time. she though it rocked.

bodacious thing #2) when i got home from work, i found my cat eatting her own puke. when i pulled her away to try and clean it, she immediately ran back to it and started eating it again. whatever it was obviously didn't sit well the first time, but tasted great the second time.

gnarly thing #3) bud and i had a 2 car parade. we followed the car with the big american flag and we waved to everyone we passed. unfortunately, we had no candy to throw about.

rad thing #4) i wrote lisa another letter. while that may not seem exciting to most, i know how much she enjoys getting letters from me and so it is with great happiness that i write her.

this is me.
i was writed on 2003-04-22 at 9:03 p.m.
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