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'Round Here

i've said very little recently. very little in person and very little in writing.

recently i've felt as though what i say doesn't matter. people contact me to hang out and have company. they want a fun experience free from talking. that's pretty much what they get.

things have finally calmed down around here. everyone has a job and everyone is making money and paying it to where it needs to go. people aren't as stressed or stressing.

i'm going to start working a lot more hours at work. i'm sick of just getting by. i'm sick of just being the guy people call because he'll always be available.

i don't know what the point of this entire entry is. know one will care, including me because that's how things go 'round here.

"Round here we're never sent to bed early
And nobody makes us wait
Round here we stay up very, very, very, very late"

this is me.
i was writed on 2003-06-05 at 2:40 p.m.
i was writed before this and i was writed after this
i make comments here and you can make comments here