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64-ounces of fluid refreshment to america

i still exist. i've been frantic (not necessarily busy, things've just been hectic) the last few days, so i've not had time to update. i'm doing well, thanks for asking. i've been reading a lot. i'm currently reading a book of "short" stories by Peter Straub. unfortunately the cedar falls library closed friday for a month. when i finish this book and one other that i got, i'm going to have to return them (along with others i got) and then go to the waterloo library which i hate. such is the price i pay for freedom. by freedom, i mean entertainment because that's what we're really given in america. we don't fight wars for freedom, we fight wars for entertainment. and i'll be damned if it isn't entertaining. so here's (*raises 64-ounces of fluid refreshment*) to our god-blessed country, america.

this is me.
i was writed on 2004-02-22 at 11:42 p.m.
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