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Blind Dueling to the Death

so i got home today at about 3:30. we had a direct rush going from Omaha to Lincoln at 2 and i took it. the boxes were so big that i couldn't see out my passenger window and i could BARELY see out my back window. my trunk was full too.

my back's been hurting really bad today and i think i have a pinched nerve. there's been pain shooting down my left leg and occassionally causing it to go numb. it sucks.

on a good note, we're celebrating jon's and my cousin's birthdays today. i'm going to get to eat a bunch of barbequed ribs and some cake and some potatoes and some ice cream. that'll rule.

on the way home from the delivery, i saw 2 blind people on the sidewalk talking. they obviously didn't know each other. i found out several minutes later (after i'd driven away) that they were about to have a duel. it seems that blind people convert their walking sticks into light sabers when they encounter each other and then duel to the death. that's why the streets aren't flooded with blind people. there can be only one and i missed out on what could have been a wonderfully entertaining event.

this is me.
i was writed on 2004-03-23 at 4:02 p.m.
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