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Tornado Repair Man

so, there's been approximately 4 (read as: exactly 4) updates in the week that i've not gotten on to the internet. obviously some people (read as ozzie, but deffinately not smalz) have excuses/justifications, but i still wish more people updated. i've had a busy week. long story condensed=
my grandpa died about 3 weeks ago. he was a child-molestor and bigot, so don't tell me you're sorry to hear it, he was a fuck-bag. my aunt (who i work for) is the executor of the estate. she needed to get the house appraised and whatnot for the estate. BAM! a tornado hit the city of 350 (192 houses) and destroys 183 houses. my grandfather's house survived, but none of the other 4 buildings (farm buildings) did. therefore i've helped for 2 days (20 hours) cleaning up the mess left by 3 F4 tornados. F4 means winds above 270 mph. it's a huge mess. i took a nail in the left foot which scratched the bone and the next day i sprained my left ankle and pulled a muscle in (or around) my left calf. i got a free tetanus shot. people have been really cool about donating food and supplies and junk. i'd like to thank the sponsors now: Subway, Burger King, Outback Steakhouse, Home Depot, HyVee, Runza and Valentinos. there may be more but i've not been there since wednesday, so i'm not totally sure who given what since when. ok, this is long enough, but consider that i could talk about this for a while except that no one cares. i've even got 132 pictures of the destruction. however, i'm going to go get coffee now. FUCK OFF! or maybe just walk away slowly in shame.

this is me.
i was writed on 2004-05-29 at 12:41 p.m.
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